Home Projects Communication

Project Focus: Communication

Metropolitan Pubs

The Metropolitan Pub Company owns 50+ freehold pubs in London. Each pub unique and true to the surrounding community, the company needed individual pub websites each with their own personality.

Tooled Up Education

Tooled Up Education is an online, subscription-based membership site serving teachers and parents with content to support and maintain the mental health of the children in their care.

Learning Ladders Education

Winners of the BETT Awards in 2020, Learning Ladders is a suite of tools, all on one system, designed to support teachers, parents and children with every aspect of learning – at school and at home.

The Meatless Farm

The Meatless Farm Co. are a British company that has developed an amazing plant-based mince, burger patty and sausage loaded with taste and texture. Their mission is help people reduce their meat consumption by making swapping to Meatless easy.

Latest Story

Artificial Headshots

Over the last few weeks, I have used a headshot I have had generated by AI as my LinkedIn avatar. I have received several comments, the most pertinent being, ‘Is that you Mike?’. Clearly not.


The Pillbox
115 Coventry Road
London E2 6GG

Tel: 020 3865 8070
