Showcase for leading British artist

Showcase for leading British artist

Project Information

Client: Olivia Kemp


Olivia Kemp is a British artist and draughtswoman working with pen and ink. She makes complex and detailed drawings, sometimes expansive, imagined and surreal.

HUB was commissioned to build a website for Olivia Kemp focussing in on the detailing she brings to her work. Built over WordPress with additional ecommerce options to buy Olivia’s prints, the site showcased her work beautifully, with zooming functions added to allow for up-close studying of the techniques adopted.

Latest Story

Artificial Headshots

Over the last few weeks, I have used a headshot I have had generated by AI as my LinkedIn avatar. I have received several comments, the most pertinent being, ‘Is that you Mike?’. Clearly not.


The Pillbox
115 Coventry Road
London E2 6GG

Tel: 020 3865 8070