Category: Technology

artificial ai headshots

Artificial Headshots

Over the last few weeks, I have used a headshot I have had generated by AI as my LinkedIn avatar. I have received several comments, the most pertinent being, ‘Is that you Mike?’. Clearly not.

Using AI in Small Businesses

My university career kicked off in Exeter in 1998. As a media student, I was immediately exposed to many a famous text. Each one revelled in their own concepts and foundations which ranged from the birthing of virtual worlds or existing in cyberspace, to the notion of fluid identity and postmodern audio production in the

remarkable device on desk

Quite Remarkable

For the last 7 days, I have been living with a reMarkable 2 tablet. It has been a pretty crazy week, I’m shattered, and quite frankly, my handwriting could be the worst in the UK, so all-in-all, perhaps not the best time to move to my first e-ink writing experience. Like many early-adopting technologists, I

Major Fintech News – Plans to Enhance the Digital Financial Sector

At this year’s Fintech Week, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, announced a plan to ensure the lead of the UK in digitalising finance. His proposal covers the support of growing fintech businesses and hubs throughout the UK, the overall expansion of digital finance, as well as regulatory support and reforms and the composition of a new taskforce for conducting work on a central bank digital currency. The Chancellor lays out that

HUB Wins ‘Most Innovative Business App Development Company 2020’

We’re really pleased to share this with you! SME News has awarded us the prize for ‘Most Innovative Business App Development Company 2020’ and released an entire article about HUB.     SME News is a quarterly digital publication with the objective to support and write about small and medium-sized businesses in the UK. The message SME News aims to circulate is that

NFTs: Just A Blockchain Fad or the Future of Digital Art?

You’ve probably heard the term “NFT” a lot lately. It’s covered in various media outlets and large sums of money are involved. But is this yet another passing crypto trend? And how are art and creativity implicated? Let’s take a closer look. First off, it’s best to clarify the term. NFT stands for non-fungible token. This is a unique

The State of Automated Content Creation

As the importance of content marketing grows and online content continues to explode exponentially, more and more businesses are seeking out automated methods of content creation. Making use of these tools might save time and expenses — but is it actually worth it? Content marketing (CM) consists of lots and lots (and lots) of planning,

Instant Gratification

Today a LomoInstant turned up in the HUB office. For the uninitiated, Lomography is an International photographic movement, methodology and brand which encouraged us to shoot spontaneously ‘from the hip’ long before smartphones took over our daily lives.   Founded around the Lomo Kompakt Automat, a curious Russian camera with a deadly lens, Lomo has

Plug Your Self In

Given the announcements during 2017 so far from Facebook et al regarding the ability to ‘think’ letters on to a screen and type with our thoughts, is it fair to say that we are now only a hop, skip and a jump away from a form of telepathy, or at least, the domination of text

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Artificial Headshots

Over the last few weeks, I have used a headshot I have had generated by AI as my LinkedIn avatar. I have received several comments, the most pertinent being, ‘Is that you Mike?’. Clearly not.


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