Category: Applications

connect power bi to wordpress

Connect Power BI to WordPress

We are website designers. Funnily enough, we use WordPress (amongst other CMSs) to build and manage websites and applications. But when you have a client base mixed between SMB, E-commerce and Enterprise, more often than not, the reporting question will arise.

Progressive web application texture image

Progressive Web Applications – An Introduction

Although Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) have been around since 2015 as a new and improved alternative to traditional apps and mobile-friendly websites, many retailers are still yet to adopt them. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a huge global surge in mobile commerce and businesses are increasingly making the switch. Increased support via Apple’s

Wix, Squarespace & Co: A Substitute for a Designer?

When you browse the Internet, you will encounter numerous websites with just the same basic layout. With an increase in content, it becomes more difficult so see original design and everything starts looking the same. One of the reasons for this being a lack of designers. The Canadian communications professor and philosopher Marshall McLuhan once

Creating Intelligent Buildings

The growing prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT) based apps and devices, as well as sensors and security cameras, have launched the time of big data-based everything. Many of the devices we use today have become smart – ranging from our phone to the TV and even the fridge. Of course, it doesn’t stop there

The State of Automated Content Creation

As the importance of content marketing grows and online content continues to explode exponentially, more and more businesses are seeking out automated methods of content creation. Making use of these tools might save time and expenses — but is it actually worth it? Content marketing (CM) consists of lots and lots (and lots) of planning,

WordPress and the Blurring of Boundaries

Over the last 15 years of running design agencies and small businesses, we have always understood that no matter the product or service, that content is king. Whether it be user or author generated, it’s a simple fact that whilst the presentation wrapper remains vital, the content kernel is what application and website users come

Developing on the Edge

The launch of the new Microsoft Edge browser is set to be a major change for web designers and web developers all over the world, with the technology giant finally replacing one of its best known products, Internet Explorer. But how will the release of a major new browser affect the industry?

An English Companion in Sochi

Second-screen applications not have to be fancy, real-time partnering of a device with your television or games console; with a bit of thought, device companionship can be put to good use.

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Artificial Headshots

Over the last few weeks, I have used a headshot I have had generated by AI as my LinkedIn avatar. I have received several comments, the most pertinent being, ‘Is that you Mike?’. Clearly not.


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