Why Social Media Presence is Key

Social media platforms have undeniably grown to be amongst the most powerful and influential media outlets ever. Building a decent social media management strategy and presence is therefore no longer optional for any kind of business – small to large. It is a crucial tool to reach customers, grow your business and gain insights that are valuable to your overall business performance.

Here is how to get started with your social media management strategy and why you should do it.

A good social media presence has a variety of benefits for all sorts of company types. It can help to expand your brand, reach, and extend your target audience, increase traffic to your website and promote your services and products cost effectively, improve your customer service, share your company’s mission or updates and much more. Using social media effectively, will positively impact your brand’s image and encourage people to interact with your business.

Essentially, an appropriate social media strategy will drive growth for your business and foster long-term relationships with customers or clients. So how to best get started on social media? There are many factors that need to be considered before starting to plan your strategy, such as size of your business, budget and employee capacity.

Social Media banner designs

LinkedIn Banners for some of HUB’s clients – Advanced Workplace, Onsite Technologies and LBP Bakeries

Choose the right social media platforms.

This heavily depends on your industry and what kind of business you are. While some brands might have a lot to gain from Instagram, for instance, it might not be for others, and they would be better off directing their energy and time towards LinkedIn or Twitter. It makes sense to do research on this or consider seeking professional counsel – at HUB we are more than happy to help you tackle this challenge. Check out our three main social media services to see what option might be the right one for you.

Keep your goal in mind.

Given the multitude of things that can be accomplished with setting up your social media presence, such as customer service enhancement, engagement increase, audience expansion, driving sales and web traffic or gaining insights. It is essential that you prioritise these and what exactly it is that you would like to achieve. Set up your strategy in a way to clearly work towards this goal or communicate to us what you would like to accomplish, so we can lay out a plan for you. Either collaboratively or with guidance.

Develop your strategy.

Having sorted out your networks, goals and a general setup of accounts, you can get started on planning your brand’s social media strategy. Start off by designating the work to either an employee or make use of our services. It is key that the responsibilities are clear, as having different people do bits and bobs here and there will not help you with building a presence at all and only confuse matters. Furthermore, make sure that you know your audience – what topics are they interested in and what suitable content do you already have? What content would you need to create or curate? What’s the best frequency and times to post for your business? Which tools would you use?

Generally, it is important to maintain consistency and do your research on the platforms, but the goals you set will determine the metrics that matter for your company’s social media performance. It is absolutely essential to keep track of those, so you know what to improve on and how to act in the future when it comes to social media.

HUB’s Social Media Services

  1. Fully Managed Service: General Social Media Management and Strategy
  2. Collaborative Service: Collaborative Social Media Management
  3. Consulting Service: Social Media Strategy and Design Consulting

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