Home Stories HUB & PIMFA Shortlisted for TAF Website of the Year

HUB & PIMFA Shortlisted for TAF Website of the Year

PIMFA and HUB are proud to announce the shortlisting of www.pimfa.co.uk for Website of the Year at the Trade Association Forum’s Best Practice Awards 2018.

Based over HUB’s new Trade Association Management Platform, UseFull, the PIMFA Website is the culmination of over 9 months effort by the PIMFA Communications Team and designers, developers and content managers in the HUB team.

With winners to be announced later in the year, the site marks continued growth in digital design innovation by the financial services pre-eminent trade association. Earlier this year, the brand work completed by Cicero for PIMFA was recognised with a Sabre Award.

Over 3000 pages and pieces of secure content serve PIMFA’s growing membership of over 20,000 users, whilst events booking and functionality has been further facilitated following the introduction of new ecommerce techniques. In the backend, new features for PIMFA include data visualisation of management information, full ecommerce reporting and a new landing page builder for promotional campaigns.

Sheena Gillett, Head of PR and Communications, said: “We are delighted to be shortlisted by the TAF in recognition of the huge amount of hard work that has been involved across the board to deliver a modern website with a myriad of new functionalities and improved usability for our member firms. Our new website, in conjunction with the delivery of a new suite of internal systems and the launch of the PIMFA brand, is the culmination of an evolutionary year for our 27 year old trade association”.

HUB CTO Mike Staines said: “The PIMFA site for 2018 represents the close, ongoing collaboration by both teams to build a better digital future for the membership organisation. Separate silos of information and data have been transformed in to a solid scalable conduit for PIMFAs membership value offering.”

Notes for Editors


The Personal Investment Management and Financial Advice Association (PIMFA) is the UK’s leading trade association for firms that provide investment management and financial advice to everyone from individuals and families to charities, pension funds, trusts and companies.

Our objective is to create the optimal operating environment for our member firms to deliver their services and meet client’s needs. PIMFA also lead the debate on policy and regulatory recommendations to ensure that the UK remains a global centre of excellence in the investment management and financial advice arena.

PIMFA was created in 2017 as the outcome of a merger between the Association of Professional Financial Advisers (APFA) and the Wealth Management Association (WMA) with a history as a trade association going back for 27 years.


About HUB

HUB are business application developers based in London specialising in digital transformation, web design and development, app development and cross-platform, web service integration.


About Trade Association Forum Awards

Trade Association Forum was formed in 1997 to encourage the development and sharing of best practice among UK trade associations and promoting the role of effective trade associations to government, industry and the wider public.


About IN2 SABRE Awards

The In2 SABREs recognize excellence in various categories of innovation and insight—with an emphasis on content creation



For further information on this release or other press matters please contact:

Sheena Gillett – PIMFA Head of PR & Communications, sheenag@pimfa.co.uk, +44 (0)20 7011 9869

Read more about the PIMFA Design and Development Project

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